Interface TransactionListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
PreparedInsert, PreparedOperation, PreparedUpdate

public interface TransactionListener

This interface is to be implemented by types which want to be informed about completion or cancelation of transactions. TransactionListeners can be registered at a database object by method Database.addListener. TransactionListeners should only be used in J2SE environments.

Jan Lessner

Field Summary
static java.lang.String REVISION_ID
Method Summary
 void commit(TransactionEvent e)
          Function to be called on successful completion of a transaction.
 void rollback(TransactionEvent e)
          Function to be called on transaction abortion The listeners' rollback functions are called before the actual rollback is performed.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String REVISION_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void commit(TransactionEvent e)
            throws java.sql.SQLException
Function to be called on successful completion of a transaction. The listeners' commit functions are called before the actual commitment is performed. If any listener throws an Exception the commitment will be ommited.



void rollback(TransactionEvent e)
              throws java.sql.SQLException
Function to be called on transaction abortion The listeners' rollback functions are called before the actual rollback is performed. If any listener throws an Exception the rollback will be ommited.
