Package de.mathema.pride.util

This package contains classes for the generation of data entity types from database tables.


Class Summary
AllArguments Header: DMD3000 Framework Business Components Description: PriDE database adapter for Oracle's ALL_ARGUMENTS table which contains meta data about stored procedures and is therefore assential input for the StoredProcedureGenerator Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Organisation: arvato systems
StoredProcedureGenerator Generator for stored procedure access classes.
TableColumns Meta information about a database table column

Package de.mathema.pride.util Description

This package contains classes for the generation of data entity types from database tables. The easiest ways to generate an entity is by invoking CreateTableTemplate from the command line like this:

java de.mathema.pride.CreateTableTemplate driver db user password table [class]
where driver is the name of the database driver class, db the URL of the database, user the database login name, password the password for the account, and table the name of the database table to generate an entity for. The results are written to standard out.
CreateTableTemplate as fragemented into several member functions generating the various perts of an entity type definition. If you are not satisfied with the default outcome of the generator, you can easily provide your own derivation where you can override the functions as desired. For further information refer to PriDE.html.